On Saturday, April 15, over 80 Muslims and several community leaders gathered at the Albemarle County Office Building on 5th Street for an iftar - the meal that Muslims eat to break their daily fast during Ramadan. One of the highlights was an inspiring talk by Dr. Khizr Khan, author, human rights activist and recipient of the U.S. Medal of Freedom and Gold Star Father, Khizr Khan made remarks about the history and meaning of Ramadan. The event was co-hosted by the Muslim Students Association and the Islamic Society of Central Virginia.
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The ID Program closed on April 30, 2022.
Since our start in March 2019, we've issued over 840 IDs.
Virginia now provides a Driver's Privilege card, and an Identification Privilege card. Most people who aren't U.S. citizens and don't meet the requirements for a state drivers license are eligible for these cards. Both are available at the local DMV. For the details, go to: https://www.dmv.virginia.gov/drivers/#driver_privilege_card.asp
To find out what documents you need to obtain our card, go to: www.wgcville.org/id-program-whats-needed
Thank you to the many volunteers, advocates, and community partners that supported this program.

"The card allowed me to open up a Comcast account and get cable and internet set-up in my home."
"My landlord was able to verify who I was and allowed me to sign my lease."
"The card helps me feel accepted by the community. I didn't feel that way before."
"I needed to get a medical appointment for my daughter, which required an ID. This was all I had, and they accepted it."
As a nation, our diverse origins are and should be seen as a great strength. We strongly reject demonization of and attacks against immigrants and minorities and will take peaceful measures to oppose them.

Given this situation, our mission is to create a welcoming community, one that:
1. provides tangible support for all immigrants, and
2. educates the community about the needs and contributions of immigrants, refugees, and other minorities, especially those who are being marginalized today.
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