21-Day Equity Challenge
Virtual Self-paced Learning Opportunity from Albemarle County Office of Equity and Inclusion

The 21-day Equity Challenge is designed to help us all learn and grow in our understanding of equity and its importance in our community.
Over the course of 21 days, we will provide you with resources to help you explore different aspects of equity, including race, gender, sexuality, ability, and more. By participating in this challenge, you will have the opportunity to deepen your understanding of these issues and to take concrete steps towards creating a more equitable county.
Equity, both as a concept and practice, is about creating fairness and access to opportunity for everyone, especially those who have been historically disadvantaged and underserved. In promoting inclusive knowledge and awareness about our community, we seek to equip and inspire participants in learning how to imagine and realize a more inclusive and equitable world.
This opportunity is sponsored by the Albemarle County Office of Equity and Inclusion
Learn more and participant: https://engage.albemarle.org/21-day-equity-challenge